Hi! I'm Yeoh Han Yi
I like C++ and working on quantitative and optimisation problems. I enjoy working with tools and technologies with high skill ceilings and strive to push my technical skills further. I'm currently exploring Arch Linux and tinkering with Rust.
This semester, I'm working as a Quantitative Strategist Intern at GIC, and getting destroyed in CS3233 - Competitive Programming.
Tools & Technologies
Undergraduate Teaching Assistant
National University of Singapore
• Taught CS2040 - Data Structures and Algorithms (Java): Rated 4.7/5.0 (Faculty Average 4.2/5.0)
Software Engineer Intern
Kabam Robotics
Video Analytics
• Engineered and deployed object-based alert throttling algorithms for a fleet of security robots, enhancing real-time object detection
• Executed extensive testing and benchmarking of cutting-edge computer vision models, including YOLOv10, to rigorously evaluate their suitability for production
• Performed comprehensive data preparation, including cleaning, preprocessing, augmentation, and pipelining of image datasets, to facilitate custom model development and deployment
• Trained and deployed YOLO models on AWS SageMaker, executing backend migrations to enable seamless integration of video analytics modules and leveraging endpoints for real-time predictions
Sophomore Undergraduate
National University of Singapore
Computer Science (2nd Major Mathematics) - Honours (Highest Distinction, >= 4.5/5.0)
Relevant (Technical) Modules Taken:
• Year 2 Semester 2 [CURRENT]: CS3211 - Parallel and Concurrent Programming, CS3233 - Competitive Programming, CP3880 - ATAP @ GIC
• Year 2 Semester 1: CS2101 - Effective Communication for Computing Professionals, CS2103T - Software Engineering, CS2106 - Introduction to Operating Systems, CS3230 - Design and Analysis of Algorithms
• Year 1 Semester 2: CS2040S - Data Structures and Algorithms, CS2100 - Computer Organisation, ST2334 - Probability and Statistics
• Year 1 Semester 1: CS1010X - Programming Methodology I, CS1231S - Discrete Structures, CS2030S - Programming Methodology II, MA1521 - Calculus For Computing, MA1522 - Linear Algebra For Computing